
KIU Academy Niseko is seeking the following Japanese and international accreditation:

  • Miscellaneous School (Kakushu Gakko)
  • WASC
  • ACSI

On November 22, 2023 the Hokkaido government accepted our initial application for the establishment of a school in Niseko. The final application for approval will be submitted in the fall of 2024.

The school establishment application is currently under government review, and plans are subject to change.


WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) are U.S.-based accreditation organizations, and their accreditation is globally recognized. In Japan, the Ministry of Education grants eligibility for college admission to those who are 18 and older and have completed a 12-year curriculum at accredited schools.

Accreditation at Kyoto

KIU Academy Kyoto’s curriculum is fully accredited from Grades 1-12 by WASC and ACSI.

Additionally, the second through fourth grades of KIU Academy Kyoto’s High School (Grades 10-12, equivalent to Grades 1-3 at Japanese high schools) are recognized as a Gakko Hojin (Miscellaneous School) by Kyoto Prefecture, and students are eligible for the High School Tuition Support Fund.