Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fees For 2025-26 School Year​​

All grade levels

Payment Options


Application Fee
¥ 25,000
Single payment at the time of enrollment
One Time
Entrance Fee
Single payment at the time of enrollment
One Time
Facilities Fee
Installments available (By Year, Term, Month)

Payment schedule pending prefectural approval.

  • Early Action Discount: ¥200,000 will be deducted from the entrance fee for early-action entrants.
    • To qualify for the early action discount, applicants must 1) undergo the pre-application (July 1 to 31) and 2) make the required payments within two weeks of the payment notification.
  • English / Bilingual Ability Discount: 
    • Tier A: ¥200,000 will be deducted from the annual tuition if your child has native English ability (able to succeed in academic English at or within one year of grade level).
    • Tier B: An additional ¥50,000 will be deducted from the annual tuition if your child is fluent in Japanese.
  • Kyoto Visit Discount: All visitors to our Kyoto campus will receive a ¥100,000 deduction on the Niseko entrance fee.
  • Miscellaneous Fees → Summer / Winter Program (optional), clubs (optional), school supplies, etc.
  • All fees are subject to change during enrollment.
  • Application and entrance fees are non-refundable.
  • Annual payment of tuition is available for Spring entrants only. Fall and Winter entrants must use the by-term or by-month payment options until the next academic year. 
  • Financial aid (case-by-case) and sibling discount are available. Please contact the school office for details. (Submit the financial aid application and related documents at the same time as your application for admission.)
  • All fees must be paid by bank transfer (details will be sent along with the confirmation of admission after the prefectural approval for the school is granted.)